What to do in a Biofeedback Session
Lean on your coach to gain skill in controlling body processes, movements and/or learning how to keep calm during a performance.
You will have two coaches.
During biofeedback training, you are free to talk to your human coach as needed. Just be sure to listen to your inner coah - your biofeedback  You may have insights into your condition.  There is another coach in Somatic Biofeedback and Neurofeedback.  These computerized coaches remind you when you are in the proper zone for learning. Together both coaches encourage the training of your brain and the sensing your body in new ways. Clients are coached to control computer displays on the monitor screen by controlling his or her brainwaves and/or somatic signals. The client is sometimes given visual and/or auditory feedback - such as with a specially designed computer game. As certain signals increase or decrease, the trainee gets increased or decreased feedback - which can include auditory, visual, and tactile (i.e. beeps or games).

Sensors (electrodes) are placed over specific sites. Training may include increasing certain signals and/or decreasing others at specific sites.  Auditory and video feedback rewards the client when they meet training goals . For neurofeedback, this involves coaching to turn on then turn off specific frequencies of an EEG signal. Somatic Biofeedback follows a similar coaching strategy.Training goals are adjusted as you gain more skill in controlling these signals..

Training usually last for about 20-30 minutes, not including hook-up and debriefing. The trainer - your coach-  tracks client outcome and makes training adjustments accordingly. As the symptoms are reduced, the effects are not always perceived as a conscious effort - the client may not even be aware of the effect. The training produces better brain regulation,  and is a generalized effect. That means the client doesn't exactly "think about" the training to get the effect. Their brain simply responds better to demands when in a demanding situation.
Booster sessions are recommended for some disorders.

Brain Regulation and Sleep
The brain helps regulate sleep, emotions, thinking, behavior, and much more. The training doesn't directly change sleep. It helps the brain and body become better regulated. Since sleep helps refresh, emotions and behavior tend to become better regulated by the brain, and improvements are generally seen after training. Practitioners report that changes can be profound.

If sleep remains an issue, specific Somatic Biofeedback and Neurofeeback procedures may help. Other therapies, better nutrition and daytime stress reduction procedures may also be worth considering.

When you give the brain information about itself, it has an enormous capacity for change. Somatic Biofeedback calms the body, and sends signals to the brain.   Neurofeedback likewise makes this information available to the brain, and asks it to make adjustments. These procedures are worth learning; they give the brain a greater ability to self-manage or regulate, and increase your resilience to stress and pain.

Like sports and moving arts, you will do better with a coach. Biofeedback training involves coaching as well.
Biofeedback training takes place in a quiet, comfortable office environment.  You will meet with your trainer for about 45 minutes - please be on time. Sessions are generally scheduled once per week, although for the first few weeks at least two or three sessions are preferred to make rapid progress.  The number of sessions generally ranges anywhere from 3 to 140 sessions, depending on the length and severity of symptoms.   Training is completed when a person demonstrates the ability to use the techniques learned in the sessions independently and successfully.