From Neuroscience :. How Can You Learn to Change Something You Can't Feel?
. NeuroScience and Embodied Thoughts : Hypnotists got it right!
Hypnotism students are taught to use the concept of 'Message Units' as a mechanism required to rapidly change a person's arousal and focus during 'power' inductions. Message Units are part of required sensory and perceptual processing.  Message Units are bits of information from the internal environment that are relentlessly transmitted to the brain, awake or asleep. We try to filter them out, but often fall into states of reverie, anxiety or depression-fear-anger.  In that sense, hypnosis is a natural phenomena just like dreaming. It a way of accommodating overwhelming information in a changing set of environments.
Additional information from the external environment are also transmitted as Message Units.  Unfiltered, this quantity of information can be overwhelming, and often disrupts chains of behavior. We can be overwhelmed in positive ways, and experience altered states of consciousness. We can be overwhelmed in  negative ways, and experience trauma, anger, hopelessness, and anxiety.

Message Units are not just a theory any more. Neuroscientists have documented how bodily processes respond to normal conversation. The results were surprising.  
.- Embodied Thoughts and Images are message units- the new mind-body connection.
Thoughts always prime the body. It is impossible to have a thought or an image without a preparatory body response:
- Immedeiate response:  Change in muscle tone: e.g. anger tenses jaw and forearm muscles.
- Delayed response: -1 to 3 seconds - GSR [SC], skin temp [blood flow], gastric flow, etc.
- Longer response:-  hormones - feedback to brain and flavor thoughts. E.g. cortisol release.
Messages go both ways: Thoughts prepare the body, and the body prepares thoughts.
We are always receiving messages, even in sleep.
When messages are conflictual, the body is overwhelmed, and disregulation occurs.
In a structured repeatable environment, subtle changes from the body are sensed, although pre-conscious.

So the next time you feel overwhelmed by a thought, see if you can identify subtle changes in your body's reactivity. You may learn something about your own set of Message Units.

                     Thoughts About  TMS
rTMS  is an alterative technology that also changes brain function.
TMS is Hi-Intensity Transcortical Magnetic Stimulation, a non-drug technology.
TMS forces alterations brain function without the need to do anything.
TMS Instrumentation: A headset with pulsed magnetic coils attaches to the scalp sites.
TMS pulses a 1-2 Tesla magnetic field wave across the brain.
A Quantitative EEG or Brain Map, is not part of a TMS assessment proocol
Typical TMS Protocol: TMS  usually requires five weekly sessions over 4 to 6 weeks administered by TMS technicians. 
TMS Evaluation: A physician sees you once to approve the treatments given by the techs.
TMS Treatments: A psychiatrist is not required to be there for the 20+ treatment sessions administered by the technicians. 
TMS Technician: Medical training is not required.
NOTE: The brain is not monitored or measured at any time.
                     Thoughts About  TMS
rTMS  is an alterative technology that also changes brain function.
TMS is Hi-Intensity Transcortical Magnetic Stimulation, a non-drug technology.
TMS forces alterations brain function without the need to do anything.
TMS Instrumentation: A headset with pulsed magnetic coils attaches to the scalp sites.
TMS pulses a 1-2 Tesla magnetic field wave across the brain.
A Quantitative EEG or Brain Map, is not part of a TMS assessment proocol
Typical TMS Protocol: TMS  usually requires five weekly sessions over 4 to 6 weeks administered by TMS technicians. 
TMS Evaluation: A physician sees you once to approve the treatments given by the techs.
TMS Treatments: A psychiatrist is not required to be there for the 20+ treatment sessions administered by the technicians. 
TMS Technician: Medical training is not required.
NOTE: The brain is not monitored or measured at any time.
                     Thoughts About  TMS
rTMS  is an alterative technology that also changes brain function.
TMS is Hi-Intensity Transcortical Magnetic Stimulation, a non-drug technology.
TMS forces alterations brain function without the need to do anything.
TMS Instrumentation: A headset with pulsed magnetic coils attaches to the scalp sites.
TMS pulses a 1-2 Tesla magnetic field wave across the brain.
A Quantitative EEG or Brain Map, is not part of a TMS assessment proocol
Typical TMS Protocol: TMS  usually requires five weekly sessions over 4 to 6 weeks administered by TMS technicians. 
TMS Evaluation: A physician sees you once to approve the treatments given by the techs.
TMS Treatments: A psychiatrist is not required to be there for the 20+ treatment sessions administered by the technicians. 
TMS Technician: Medical training is not required.
NOTE: The brain is not monitored or measured at any time.