Are Behavioral and/or Biofeedback Protocols  Going to Help You?
Traditional talk therapies are good. I base my talking points on the Socratic methods in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Talk with a savvy professional is always worthwhile.  Sometimes talk can elicit implicit memories from the past and can unintentionally  retrigger old memories which cause avoidance or other strong reactions. This phenomenon is called an 'abreaction' in some circles. These abreaction patterns are linked directly to  our infant-based pre-verbal
implicit memory system, usually dormant in adults.  These reactions are not readily accessed or modifiable without numerous traditional talk therapy sessions. Today, there are many alternative techniques to resolve these pre-verbal sources of arousal, including those featured here.

Traditional talk 'therapy' relies on more mature explicit memory, a discussion.  Adults talk about a problem, an issue, not realizing  they may be re-experiencing it. There is a link to our bodies and brains, but we are often unaware until a strong emotion erupts into our awareness. So change usually requires patience, rehearsing the difference between truly calm states and states of anxiety, or depression or cravings, to name just a few. And it requires training and repetition to stick.' This is where  mindfulness, and biofeedback come in to play:

Neuroscience provides a new understanding of these disorders, and points to a realistic approach to its resolution .
Mindfulness training increases our awareness of how our thoughts guide us, and biofeedback makes us aware of previously hidden beginnings of our emotions. Together they form a stronger basis for change. A good practitioner will never promise to cure what ails you. They will search out ways to help you function better..

How do you recommend I choose a provider?
For simple stress, occasional anxiety or short-term trauma, any provider can provide therapeutic  support without biofeedback. Biofeedback training is a skill, a learning experience. You need a provider who makes learning a priority, a trainer. Trainers also need to be able to discuss issues as they come up, so a person rained in  psycho- or physio-therapiy is also needed. For simple cases,  Many providers provide a simple first-generation neurofeedback  device that is adequate. However  we recommend a 4th generation devise with advanced training.   Still missing is providers have training and experience in issues related to brain science. Usually this is a PhD with training in neuroscience and conditioning.  If you email me, I may have some suggestions for you.
Caveat emptor:  Buyer beware
Neurofeedback is not currently regulated in the United States. or other countries. Anyone can advertise neurofeedback interventions. And the great majority of neurofeedback devices a low-cost entertainment-oriented systems.  These are first-generation devises. The technology  is over 40 years old. Furthermore these first-generation devises have added entertaining  games, etc that only progress as your physiology falls within certain parameters. Typically they are used to train ADD/ADHD clients.  Providers take a short course to learn how to use  the devise.  For simple cases, that is often adequate. However these first-gen devices only monitor  one or two sites. This was state-of-the-art in the 1980s. It usually took 40 more more training sessions, and results were not always worth the money.  attention networks in attention-deficit disorder.  Currently there are no license requirements.
Modern neurofeedback devises are much different. They can record full 19-channel EEGs and can be used alone just to find out what is happening inside the skull. New software allows examination of deep brain functions as well, like coherence between areas, and the cross-talk between  brain networks.  EEG-based neurofeedback devices are hundreds of times more precise than 1st generation devices and cost over $10,000.  Likewise training for modern devices are rigorous and ongoing. We operate as an international guild of professionals. We hold annual gatherings and shart about cases among ourselves.. This is modern neurofeedback, neurofeedback that focuses on network and connectivity deficits, as well as amplitude modification. If you are looking for a provider, ask them if they attand ISNR or a cerified by ISNR. I am personally familiar with devices like the 19-channel devices from Mixtar, Brainmaster and Neurofiled. They meet my criteria for modern devices. 

Isn't Biofeedback Similar to Hypnosis?
Hypnosis relies on suggestion. Suggestion is a form of dissociation, not necessarily increased awareness. Biofeedback also relies on suggestion. This suggestion is reinforced by screens that make clear arousal right now.  Hypnosis 'trailing' is a state. Biofeedback Training is a skill. Both are helpful. One is for dissociation; the other is for skill building.

Do you do TMS? I have depression and don't respond well to anti-depressants.
No. Only an MD can do TMS. In practice you see a technician for treatment, under the supervision of an MD. 
TMS [ trancutenious magnetic stimulation] is  passive. There is nothing to do, nothing to learn. You take it several times a week for several weeks. If you need more, you get another 'dose.' It is wonderful addition when it works.  For many, TMS does not work or it works for a while and wears off. For some, TMS creates a psychological dependency on 'dosing' and clients do not function well without it. 

Neurofeedback activates the same circuits in much different ways. Forth generation neurofeedback uses a full Q-EEG to define the nature of the 'depression' and provides positive feedback - a light, a sound, a picture - that prompts networks to function optimally. This is totally 'active.' You and your trainer work together to reinforce circuits and shape brainwaves towards a more flexible response.   Then to feedback is faded out and you are challenged to reproduce the new brainwaves or brain state without reinforcement or prompts. This is where real learning come in. You may or may not wish a tune-up every now and again. This varies with each individual.
FACTOID: . Neurofeedback is safe and has no known significant side effects

When is biofeedback training over? How can I learn anything just be sitting in front of a computer?
Good question. Training is over when you are confident you can practice arousal-regulation on your own. An if you are just spending time with a computer,  then someone is not doing their job. You need a coach to learn a new skill. These skills 
1.  You first learn a kind of Mindfulness for health problems. This involves involves practicing  a non-critical awareness of the rise and fall of your health-releated symptoms.
2.  Biofeedback training makes visible subtle changes in reactivity. These are seen as preveosily invisible body processes.  With the help of a coach you learn enhance and stabilize health symptoms in most endeavors. It can also aid in reducing or eliminating many symptoms and/or disabilities.
3.  As Biofeedback Training continues, you and your coach  teaches you how to become aware and head off most symptoms before they get out of hand.
4  At some point you and your coach need  to Fade Out all feedback sonds and screens while monitoring your reactivity. With practice, you gain confidence in your ability  and our  awareness to reduce physiological symptoms without feedback.
5. Congratulations are in order. The Goal of Biofeedback is to learn and practice a health-related  skill without the need for further training. .